Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I miss the drums

Here on this ship, there is singing that they do. It is unlike anything that I have ever heard. it does not have the same beat that I am used to, and they don’t have any drums. I miss the drums. Since I don’t know the language of the Atlantean’s, I can’t even participate. They use whistles and flutes, however, no drums. I don’t know if it is because we are out to sea, nevertheless, I miss them. I don’t think it is that. because when there is no wind, and they use the oars, I hear drum beats…so there are drums on board. so why don’t they use them with their music? It is almost too shrill. It doesn’t move through the body the same way. It can be too piercing. Sometimes it hurts my ears and my head. Though…sometimes it does sound eerily like someone talking…someone almost screaming. I miss the drums. Ever more I miss being at home. Do they even miss me?


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Allorana and her Mother, Shashanna, are characters out a free eSerial called Mu mysteries written by Cherry Dumas (www.enchantmentofthemind.com , www.cherrydumas@blogspot.com , www.twitter.com/cherrydumas , www.facebook.com/cherry.dumas